Use this checklist to ensure you are ready for Clubspot to move transactions to your Quickbooks account.
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1) Income Account Mapping
Once your chart of account is synced or imported into Clubspot, you can determine which income accounts sales of specific items should credit.
- [ ] Set default income accounts in the Accounting Defaults section under Reporting. (don’t worry, you can get more granular from there!). If using subtypes, click into each subtype to set the default income account to apply to those subtypes.
- [ ] Map all individual products / events in the Account Mapping section under Products.
- [ ] Make sure that no products are set to 4000 Sales which is the Clubspot Default income account.
See Account Mapping for detailed instructions for mapping accounts.
2) Replace Default Accounts
Clubspot populates your dashboard with the basic accounts required for any transaction type that could take place. If you do not want these accounts being created in Quickbooks you can replace them with your own accounts.
- [ ] 1000 Cash
- [ ] 1200 Accounts Receivable
- [ ] 1201 Unbilled Accounts Receivable - Any transaction that has been added to a house account but has yet to be invoiced for.
- [ ] 1202 Asset Clearing - Any admin balance adjustments for memberships will impact this account, along with AR.
- [ ] 22XX Sales Tax - These accounts are created for any tax rates you have in the system. If you have multiple tax rates and would like them consolidated, just let our team know.
- [ ] 3200 Processing Fees - All payment fees deducted by the payment processor.
- [ ] 4000 Sales - Clubspot’s default income account if no other is mapped.
- [ ] 7100 Cash in Transit - This is your Stripe balance at any given moment. Online payments are paid out at a slight delay by Stripe. As a result, it it common to have a Stripe balance made up of online payments in transit to your bank.