POS Version 5.1+ introduces more advanced methods of splitting orders, as well as more efficient workflows. This article walks through the new, interface and how to complete those splits.

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Split Types

The Clubspot Point of Sale supports two split types:

The split-by-item interface is the default splitting option. If you’d like to split an order by a specific dollar amount, use the dropdown on the upper right to change the split type.

Splitting by Item

When splitting by item you have the ability to select any number of items that you would like to move to different tabs and in a single bulk action, move them to a new tab. To do so, check the boxes of all items that you would like to move, then tap on the tab you would like to move those items to.

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Splitting individual lines

You can also split individual lines evenly, simply by telling the POS how many ways you’d like to split them. Start by checking the lines you’d like to split, and then tap “Split Evenly” in the top right. The Point of Sale will ask how many ways you would like to split the line.

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You have a single line item for French Fries, with a quantity of 2. You want to split the French Fries line into two lines (each with a quantity of 1). Select the French Fries line, and then tap Split Evenly. When prompted, tell the POS that you would like to split the line 2 ways.

The French Fries line is now replaced by two lines. Select one of them, and then tap on the split you’d like to move the line to.

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