⚡ Welcome to the Clubspot Developer Guide! For questions and feedback, please contact [email protected].

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The Clubspot API is organized around REST. Our API returns JSON-encoded responses, and uses standard HTTP response codes, authentication, and verbs.


The Clubspot API uses API keys to authenticate requests. You can request API access via a new API key by contacting [email protected].

API keys are scoped to one or more clubs that you manage. In addition to single-club use cases, this means that multi-club operators can obtain API keys that have access to any number of clubs, making data aggregation and bulk updates across a portfolio of clubs simple.

Your API keys are powerful, so be sure to keep them secure! Do not share your API keys in publicly accessible areas, or expose them on the client.

All API requests must be made over HTTPS, and API requests without authentication will fail. You must authenticate requests by passing a valid API key in the header of your request.


Requests to the Clubspot API should be made to the base url + the relevant endpoint. The base URL uses the following format: https://api.theclubspot.com/api/v1/{endpoint}

Member Portal

The Member Portal is a hosted, white-label interface for your club members to manage their accounts. By default, the Member Portal includes tabs for Member Billing (viewing and paying balances, managing payment methods, setting up autopay), Reservations, Member Data, and access to a virtual member card.

In most cases, members access the Member Portal directly from your club’s website and/or member app (also powered by Clubspot). If you instead prefer to launch a Member Portal session from an external website or app, you can do so by making a POST request to the /member-portal/sessions endpoint.

The member portal session object