Gift cards allow for clubs to issue credits to members and non-members alike to then have those redeemed via the Point of Sale. This page walks through the setup of gift cards in the Clubspot Point of Sale system as well as how to manage, sell, and redeem them.

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About Gift cards

Clubspot supports digital stored value which can be tracked on a membership or stored against a code, and then can be redeemed at the Point of Sale application. While we do not produce our own plastic or physical cards, credits issued to members are visible in their accounts and guest cards will utilize a code that can be entered into the POS for redemption.

For clubs opting to purchase their own physical cards they are welcome to use any service so long as the codes printed on those cards are unique. Clubspot allows those custom gift card codes to be entered in when selling and redeeming those cards.

Enabling Gift cards

To get started with gift cards reach out to [email protected] to enable this feature. Once this is enabled the team will add the prepaid credits table to your dashboard under Products where you can see all of the credits on the account

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We will also create your first gift card type. When we do so we will need to know the following information:

  1. What the appropriate liability account is for those prepaid credits so that when credits are issued they are being accurately tracked as a liability.
  2. The name of the gift card type (for example, “food and beverage” or “volunteer credit”).
  3. The Point of Sale tag you want that gift card to be located in and sold from.
  4. Whether there are any product subtype or point of sale location restrictions on where that credit can be used.

Selling Gift Cards

Once the the gift card has a liability account set, a name, and it is appearing in the Point of Sale you will be ready to start setting your gift cards! To do so, start by ringing up a standard POS transaction.

  1. Choose the customer who is purchasing the gift card, and then select the gift card product.
  2. Follow the prompts to select the recipient of the gift card. If you don’t know the recipient you should choose the Guest option.
  3. Enter the amount of the gift card and optional expiry or code. The gift card will be issued once this order is paid or charged to a house account.

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If you are issuing a physical gift card make sure to type in the code from that card when issuing it, so that can be used for redemption.
