Clubspot allows you to track inventory for products. To enable inventory tracking you will need to configure the products you would like to track, and enter their inventory.
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To enable inventory tracking you need to set up individual products to be either of type Limited Stock, Track Components, or Track Options. Start by selecting the product in the Products section and clicking on Stock, Tax and Accounting. You will then be able to set the inventory rule for that item.
Limited Stock - Select this if the product in question is the base stock unit. A good example may be a bottle of beer.
Track Components - Select this if the product itself has multiple component products which are the limiting factor for its availability. You will then need to enter the component products below it as well as how many units of that limiting product are used. As an example you could use this to track the bottle behind a glass of wine sold. The glass product would be set to track components and its components would be 0.2 of the wine bottle (set to limited stock). You can enter the unit of measurement of any limited stock product to the preferred value.
Track Options - Generally used for merchandise or apparel, this lets you track the stock at the option level.
When an item is set to limited stock and has no inventory, or its component products have no inventory, it will be unavailable for sale via the POS or mobile ordering. To set the stock and make these items available you will need to enter new inventory received as well as adjust the quantity on hand after performing a physical inventory count.
The best place to enter inventory is from Products —> Inventory
The dashboard will show you all of the items in the system that are limited stock and will also allow you to filter by subtype or tag. Component products might not have a tag since they likely will not show up in the POS as standalone items for sale. These products can however have a subtype so that can be helpful in filtering!
New inventory as well as adjusted inventory on hand can be entered, and new prices blended in this dashboard.
If you’d prefer to upload inventory updated via CSV, you can click the + Update Inventory button in the upper right hand corner. You’ll find a template that allows you to enter the new total count of stock for both products and product options that are being tracked.
<aside> 💡 Make sure when entering newly received orders to update the + New Inventory column and when adjusting the inventory on hand to use the Qty On Hand column as there are accounting differences in the case that you are also tracking inventory cost in Clubspot!