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There is an option for both members and non-members to pay via a texted link from the POS system.

This is a useful feature for various reasons, one important being to request non-member ad-hoc charges at from any POS terminal at your club.

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Create Custom Item or Choose Product

The first step is to launch the POS, then depending on your transaction, you will create a custom product or choose an existing product. To create a custom product, click on “custom item” then choose an amount and give it a description. Then click “add item”. Then click on ready to pay to move to the next screen.

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“Text Link to Pay”

Once you’ve clicked “ready to pay”, scroll down to Payment method and click the “Text Link to Pay” option in the right corner. Enter in the guest’s mobile number and then choose “send link”.

The recipient will now receive a text message with a direct link to pay the invoice!

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Sample Text Message with the link to pay:

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