Learn how to use a mail merge to export and manipulate membership data for offline use. Common use cases include printing a paper membership directory, or printing mailing labels.

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1. Export membership data

Exporting your membership data is easy - just navigate to Membership > Memberships, and click the export button. This export will include columns like Member Number, First Name, Last Name, City, State, Zip, Street, etc. These columns are important for the mail merge.

If you would like to include all of the individual members on each membership, be sure to select the Memberships & Members export option.

<aside> 💡 You may want to filter the memberships table before exporting (eg. to exclude canceled memberships).


2. Perform the mail merge in Excel and Word

Open the downloaded file in Excel (or a similar spreadsheet application). There are many tutorials online that can show you how to convert data from your Excel spreadsheet into a nicely formatted Word document for printing.

Here is an example that walks through an example for printing labels: https://www.lifewire.com/make-labels-with-excel-4157653.

Clubs often use a similar process to format a paper Membership Directory.

<aside> ✅ Keep in mind that you do NOT need to print mailing labels for Clubspot-generated statements or invoices. Statements and invoices come pre-formatted so that you can trifold them and drop them right into standard mailing envelopes with a window.
